When the weekend comes and you think to yourself, “Geez. Well I don’t want to spend any money, and I’d also like to see live music, maybe throw an axe, hear some Shakespeare recited, get my face painted, also I love red wine and Italian food. Oh and I’d really like to see a dancing bear, and for dessert have a cannoli shot into my mouth with a cannon. But what a pie-in-the-sky wish for the weekend. I guess I’ll just go bury my head and eat worms.”
Hold up! Save those worms for a rainy day! We’ve got you covered. This weekend is Cupini’s 20th anniversary, and the Kansas City Bear Fighters are going to play the party with our good friends Dimension Bill Edwards. And aforementioned, there will be lots of fun stuff to do.
Location: Cupini’s patio, Westport 1809 Westport Rd. Kansas City, MO 816-753-7662
Cost: FREE
Time: Noon – 9PM. (KC Bear Fighters will perform at 7:30PM)
More Details: Facebook event page