Why this organization was not named Kansas FFARTS, we may never know. Someone in the marketing department really missed a layup on that one! Regardless, we are excited to go back to Emporia to support this super awesome organization that, among other things, puts on totally FREE concerts. We’ll be playing this Saturday, April 8, 2023 at 7PM with Cameron Keeling and the Runaway Train. The venue is the Emporia Arts Council at 815 Commercial Street, Emporia, KS.
This concert is free to the public, however if you’d like to support Kansas Free for Arts (KFA) you can get a ticket for $75 for a delicious meal, drinks, and an open Q&A with the Bear Fighters and Cameron Keeling! Quinn will be taking questions on his patent-pending meditation and breath-work techniques used to cure chronic farting. Also, Bobby is finally ready to talk about his alien abduction experience (he abducted a family of extra terrestrials in the summer of ’08, held them as prisoners in his shed and kept them alive on Reeces Pieces and rain water. The court case has finally been closed as the ETs settled out of court for an undisclosed amount of money).
Concert date: April 8, 2023
Time: 7PM
Location: Emporia Arts Council, 815 Commercial Street, Emporia, KS
Tickets: Free and $75 VIP experience
Details: FB event page